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Back Friendly Tips Email Series

Back Friendly Tips Email Series

Did you know the health of your spine influences every other aspect of your health? The main role of the spine is to protect your central nervous system, which controls every cell in the body. Damage to the central nervous system can cause an endless number of health conditions.

The spine plays a number of important roles, from providing support for your whole body to protecting your nerves and making movement possible. Back muscles are important and require some level of strength and flexibility to function optimally.

Pain and discomfort in the lower back are very common. This type of pain can extend to the hips, glutes, and legs over time, which is yet another reason why protecting back health is so important. As with all health conditions, prevention is key, however, most people don't give much thought to posture and the spine until an issue is experienced.

We want to help, which is why we’ve assembled our Back Friendly Tips Email Series.

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Why Your Posture is So Important Webinar

Why Your Posture is So Important Webinar

There are SO many implications of poor posture - the least important of which actually have to do with the way you look!

If you’d like to:
Improve your energy
Improve your circulation
Learn how to cultivate lasting physical health
Feel better and be more aware of your body

Then join me for Why Your Posture is So Important on 5/14/2024 at 7:15 PM to learn more!

We’ll be discussing everything you need to know about the underlying effects of poor posture on your health, and this information promises to be really helpful!

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Why Your Posture is So Important Webinar

Headache Relief Email Series

When your head is pounding, simple tasks in life become extraordinarily difficult - but you can do more than just crawl into bed and wait for it to go away.

Join me to learn about natural alternatives to pain pills, and discover how your lifestyle habits could be contributing to your pain.

The key to treatment is finding the cause - I can help!

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Why Your Posture is So Important Webinar

The Migraine Solution - Webinar

The Migraine Solution is dedicated to finding the root cause of your migraine and acting accordingly.

Through extensive research, migraine symptoms have been identified and categorized into subtypes and set appropriate treatment plans.

When you understand your migraine, you can uncover the actual cause of your discomfort and finally experience relief!

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Why Your Posture is So Important Webinar

Workout Recovery Email Series

When trying to achieve a fitness goal, it’s easy to overdo it.

However, providing your body recovery time allows muscles the opportunity to heal thus reducing the risk of injury.

This is why it’s never recommended to work the same muscle group on consecutive days, or more than twice a week.

Learn how to optimize your recovery so you can optimize your workout!

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Why Your Posture is So Important Webinar

Physiology of Healing- Webinar

There is a very good chance that over time of trying to heal your body you have been prescribed the wrong course of treatment.

During this webinar, you will finally learn how to recognize your body’s signs of healing as they occur in order to choose the course of treatment that best benefits you!

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Why Your Posture is So Important Webinar

Back Pack Safety - Webinar

As a parent, your child’s health and safety are always at the forefront of importance. More and more children are walking around with overloaded backpacks due to less time between classes to go to lockers and more homework.

As a result, children are at an increased risk of experiencing neck, shoulder, and back issues. Join us to learn backpack safety tips!

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Replays of Popular Webinars

spinal decompression webinarfoot webinar foot webinarMB webinarMB webinarMB webinarMB webinarMB webinarspinal decompression webinarThe Migraine Solution webinar The Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally webinarThe Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally webinarThe Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally webinarThe Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally webinar Importance of RestBeing Mindful Mapping out your life of Great HealthMapping out your life of Great HealthNatural & Permanent Weight Loss Solution Creating a Healthy and Strong You Fix Your Gut, Save Your Life The Truth About Inflammation Whole Foods, Whole health Whole Foods, Whole health Whole Foods, Whole healthWhole Foods, Whole health Seasonal Depression Address Stress Naturally

For more information about R2 Wellness Centers
or to be notified about any future educational email series/ webinars, subscribe to any of the links above.



R2 Wellness Centers
2072 East Commercial Avenue
Lowell, IN 46356
Phone: 326-222-3719
Fax: (219) 696-6880

Office Hours

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